
What Does Banana Do For Your Skin

ix Surprising Banana Benefits That Go Beyond Your Daily Dose of Potassium

Bananas not only sense of taste delicious, just they're also packed with potassium, antioxidants, vitamins, biotin and minerals that nourish your hair and pare. Here are some of the many benefits of bananas.

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bananas baibaz/Shutterstock

Become a Boost of Energy

Need a lilliputian option-me-upwardly during the eye of the mean solar day? Bananas have a combination of complex carbs, amino acids, natural sugars and other minerals that provide a natural energy heave.

Adopt your bananas equally dessert? Endeavour these recipes.

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Homemade banana skincare beauty treatment mask. Anna Ok/Shutterstock

Moisturize Skin

Bananas are the secret to well moisturized skin. The vitamin A in bananas restores moisture and repairs dry skin. Mash a ripe assistant and apply it to dry skin, avoiding contact with your eyes. Leave on for twenty-25 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water for instantly moisturized skin. This LOVLUV Existent Milky Banana Confront Mask ($eleven) will likewise go out your confront hydrated.

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woman applying hair care with a comb plprod/Shutterstock

Condition Hair

Bananas offering many natural benefits to keep your pilus looking fabled, like folic acrid that makes hair shine, while also keeping it moisturized and well hydrated. Try making our two-ingredient deep-conditioning hair mask for super soft strands.

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beauty woman apply cream with foot at home aslysun/Shutterstock

Care for Dry Feet

The moisturizing benefits of bananas are besides great for treating dry, croaky heels. Mash two ripe bananas and utilize to clean, dry feet. Exit on for ten minutes, and so rinse feet with lukewarm water. The nourishing banana pulp will give y'all soft feet.

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Peeling a banana Alliance/Shutterstock

Save Tired and Puffy Eyes

Banana peels can be used to reduce puffy eyes. Relish a banana for breakfast, lie down and gently place the banana peels on your eyes. Let sit for 15-20 minutes, remove the peels and rinse with absurd water for a brilliant, refreshed wait.

Psst: If you demand an energy boost, try these foods.

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Using a banana peel on the skin J.K2507/Shutterstock

Relieve Itchy Mosquito Bites

The sugars in the banana skin help draw the fluid out of itchy mosquito bites. Sanitize the affected area first, and then rub the within of the skin on the bite. Banana peels also assist relieve the itch from poison ivy when used the same way.

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Spa Woman applying Facial clay Mask. Adamova Mariya/Shutterstock

Treat Acne

Bananas accept anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the advent and redness of acne. There's been some success treating acne blemishes by gently rubbing the afflicted surface area with the inside of a assistant peel for a few minutes, rinsing with cool water and repeating a few times a day.

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Banana snack on a banana leaf prasit2512/Shutterstock

Sleep Better

Try eating a banana earlier bed if you're having problem falling asleep (try these other foods, besides). The potassium and magnesium in bananas help relax muscles and promote slumber.

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Funny portrait of young woman with banana on color background Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Whiten Teeth

Ripe banana peels can also be used to assist whiten teeth. Cut off a piece of the peel and gently rub the inner part over your teeth for a couple of minutes. Wait nigh 10 minutes before you castor with toothpaste. Repeat one-two times for best results.

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