
Where To Buy Nail Polish That Changes Color With Drugs

The claim that nail polish can detect date rape drugs is unverified.

The claim that nail smooth tin detect date rape drugs is unverified.

  • Claims on social media that blast polish tin detect date-rape drugs in drinks are fake.
  • While such a product was in evolution, information technology never materialised.
  • There is some other device available that can notice engagement-rape drugs with a 99% accurateness rate.

"LADIES. Please apply Blast polish (cutex) all the fourth dimension (sic)," reads a message posted on Facebook on 24 Nov.

"If you lot are out turning up and drinking from a glass or a guy offers to buy you lot a drink, put your finger in the drinkable, if your nail polish changes Colour, know that your beverage is Spiked (sic)."

The claim that nail polish tin can detect date-rape drugs in drinks first emerged on social media more a year ago. Information technology has since been reposted multiple times.

Date-rape drugs enable perpetrators to commit sexual assault. The drugs can brand a victim less likely to resist an attack, experience confused about what is happening or forget the assault entirely.

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Common date-rape drugs include rohypnol, ketamine and GHB, or gamma-hydroxybutyric acid. Over-the-counter medicines and alcohol can too exist used.

Tin can smash polish discover date-rape drugs past irresolute colour when exposed to a tainted drinkable? Africa Check checked.

Nail polish proposed, but non created

Reports of a nail polish that could detect date-rape drugs emerged in the US in 2014.

Four undergraduate students at N Carolina Country Academy appear a project to produce a nail polish that would change colour when exposed to common date-rape drugs such equally GHB and rohypnol. The nail polish, to be released under the name Undercover Colors, would reportedly allow women to detect date-rape drugs discreetly.

But at the fourth dimension it was first announced the nail smooth was non yet available and the student inventors were still looking for funding for their research. Critics as well questioned the feasibility of a nail polish that could accurately detect appointment-rape drugs without fake positives.

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Today, the Undercover Colors website advertises a product that can detect date-rape drugs. But it is not a colour irresolute boom polish.

It'south a small, round unmarried-use device chosen a SipChip that tin detect usually used engagement-rape drugs with a 99.93% accuracy rate when equally little every bit two drops of a drinkable are applied to the device.

The device is sold online in the US, although, according to the website, there are resellers in South Africa, Southward Korea and Trinidad and Tobago.

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We could find no evidence that Cutex, the nail polish make referred to in the Facebook mail service, or whatever other nail polish currently bachelor, is able to detect appointment-rape drugs.

There is no evidence that blast smoothen will change colour in the presence of engagement-rape drugs. A group of academy students proposed creating such a polish but created a modest single-utilise device that detects engagement-rape drugs instead.

This written report was written by Africa Check, a non-partisan fact-checking organisation. View the original slice on their website.


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